Honors Theses By Year

2024 Honors Theses

Jessica Chiriboga, Mexicans during the San Gabriel Mountains' 'Great Hiking Era' (1880-1938) (advisor: Orleck)

Kaya Çolakoğlu, Time, Structure, and the State in the Turkish Years of Lead (1950-1980) (advisor: Nikpour)*

William Spencer Dougan, Tongues as of Fire: Sermons, Radicalism, and Ideology in the Interregnum Empire (advisor: Musselwhite)*

Clare Downey, Borders of Identity: The Construction and Deployment of Definitions of Queerness in U.S. Immigration Law Since 1952 (advisor: Orleck)*

Jason Acosta Espinosa, "Hermanas en Armas!" The Women of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, 1979-1992 (advisor: Voekel)

Sebastian Fernandez, "Hear this, oh slovenly man": Masculine Self-Fashioning in Victorian Britain, 1820–1914 (advisor: Estabrook)*

Lilian Hemmins, "There is No Mississippi, There Is Only America": Late Twentieth-Century Federal Policy in the Maintenance of Racial Inequality in the Mississippi Delta (advisor: Moreton)

Marcos Jimenez, "Young, in Love, and Angry": Gay Activism During the AIDS Crisis in the US and UK (advisor: Orleck)

Blake Rouzie, The British Conservative Party in the Age of Mass Politics, 1880-1914 (advisor: Estabrook)

Sara Pickrell, The Wives that Bind: 13th Century Political Marriages In and Around the Levant (advisor: MacEvitt)

*Received High Honors

2023 Honors Theses

Emilie Lucia Bowerman, The Cult of the Cross in the Hispanic Rite, fourth to eighth centuries (advisor: Prof. Gaposchkin)*

Sarah Engelman, 'We Women Judge War Differently from Men': Discourses of Pacifism and Feminism at the 1915 International Congress of Women (advisor: Prof. Greenberg)*

Bryanna Entwistle, After the Fall: Human Rights and U.S. Policy on the Cambodian Genocide (advisor: Prof. E. Miller)

Lucas Gatterman, The Paper Water is Drying Up: The Rio Grande Compact and Local Communities from 1938 to 1968 (advisor: Prof. Rabig)

Maya Kempf-Harris, 'Hostile to this New Plantation': Undermining the Region Myth of the Colonial Chesapeake' (advisor: Prof. Musselwhite)

Eric Lee, 'Without Knowing Either His Crime or Accuser': The Prosecution and Persecution of the New York Loyalists (advisor: Prof. Musselwhite)*

Sarah McClanahan, Exploring the Drive for Electoral Reform: The Introduction of the Australian Ballot in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama (advisor: Prof. Butler)*

Maude McCole, Information lost in prescription: the rise of neoliberalism in the defense of the pharmaceutical industry (advisor: Prof. Moreton)*

Jack Maling, Common Wealth to Commonwealth: The Muscovy Company's Influence on Joint-Stock Corporate Structure, 1550-1650 (advisor: Prof. Link)

Arabella McGowan, Politics and Country Music in the Careers of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson (advisor: Prof. Orleck)

Hatley Post, From Dominion to Conservation: Natural Resource Management in Barbados and Bermuda, 1600-1800 (advisor: Prof. Estabrook)

Natasha Raman, The Influence of Sun Yat-Sen's Ideas on Foreign Investment in China's Republican Era and Beyond (advisor: Prof. Link)

Ryan Ashby Shores, 'The third great scourge of the world': British Drug Cultures and Regulation, 1918-1926" (advisor: Prof. Greenberg)

*Received High Honors

2022 Honors Theses

Benjamin Citow, To Flee, or Not to Flee: Refugees and Religious Mobility in Early Modern Tuscany (advisor: Prof. Pirillo)*

Londyn Crenshaw, Growing Gardens of Resistance: An Intergenerational and Transregional Exploration of the Struggle, Skill, and Resistance of Black Southern Farmworkers from the Antebellum Period to the Early 21st Century (advisor: Prof. Orleck)*

Grace Hammarskjold, The Question of How-to Best Design Housing for the Middle Class: Three Planners and their approaches to Urban Residential Design (advisor: Prof. Rabig)

Katherine Hoover, The Life and Music of Emma R. Steiner: Genre, Legacy, and Canonization in American Music (advisor: Prof. Orleck)

Maya Khanna, Reimagining Pristine Wilderness: Examining 175 Years of Genocide in America's National Parks (1848-Present) (advisor: Prof. Orleck)*

Matthew Krivan, Colonization Under the Guise of Conservation: The American Bison Society's Marginalization of American Indians at the Turn of the 20th Century (advisor: Prof. Calloway)

Mary Winters, "These Religious Art Poems of France": The Creation of the Cloisters Museum and Medieval Memory Making in Early 20th Century America (advisor: Prof. Gaposchkin)

* Received High Honors

2021 Honors Theses

Jonathan Briffault, A Tale of Two Titans: William Randolph Hearst, Lord Northcliffe, and the Power of the Press in the Transatlantic Age of Reform (advisor: Prof. Link)

Daniel Bring, The American Reception of Rousseau, 1760-1850 (advisor: Prof. McMahon)

Jenna Gallagher, Anti-Circumcision Discourses in Sudan (1979-2003): Political Contexts and the Growth of a Movement (advisor: Prof. Sackeyfio-Lenoch)*

Natalia Henry, Shifting Means and Constant Ends: the Carter Doctrine and the Evolution of President Carter's Foreign Policy in the Persian Gulf (advisor: Prof. Nikpour)

Womsikuk James, The Shiv Sena: The History of a Political Movement and its Transitional Phases (advisor: Prof. Haynes)*

Lily Johnson, Family Ties and Revolutionary Spies: The Culper Spy Ring's Use of Personal Networks and Long Island's Rebellious History to Gather Accurate Intelligence (advisor: Prof. Musselwhite)

Jacob Maguire, Towards an Understanding of Hispanophone Relations in the Age of the "Neoliberal Paradigm": Socialist Spain's Promotion of Democracy, Markets, and Free Enterprise in Argentina and Cuba, 1982-1996 (advisor: Prof. Voekel)

Maryfer Mendoza, Tijuana La Zona Norte, An In-Between Zone: The Evolution of Vice-Industry and Policy on the U.S.-Mexico Border (advisor: Prof. Orleck)*

Fionnuala Murphy, Un Sueño Para Vender: The Economics of Memory and The Malvinas War in Argentinian Political Discourse, 1989-2015 (advisor: Prof. Meléndez-Badillo)*

Annie Ogden, Corporate Charter Schools: The New Vision of Urban American Education (advisor: Prof. Orleck)

Owen Ritz, The Golden Age of Free Trade: Richard Cobden and Michel Chevalier's Nineteenth-Century American Bildungsroman (advisor: Prof. Link)

Olivia Scott, (Re)Fashioning the Puritan: The Evolution of the societal and Sartorial Landscape of 17th-Century Massachusetts (advisor: Prof. Musslewhite)*

David Velona, Provocation, Weaponized Irony, and the Distortion of Discourse: A Case Study of The Dartmouth Review (advisor: Prof. Moreton)

*Received High Honors

Class of 2020

Zachary Cherian, The Scottish Enlightenment's Effect on the City of Edinburgh

Alexandrea Keith, An Act of Iberation: An Intellectual Biography of Errol Hill

Ethan Klaris, Military Ethics and the Laws of War in Indian Wars

Ariela Kovary, Caribbean Immigration to New York City and England in the Twentieth Century: How the Migratory Waves of Kittians and Jamaicans Influenced Identity Formation in New York City and England

Sarah Le Han, Later Medieval Women Travelers: Gender and Pilgrimage, Migration, and Political Movement, 1200-1550

Hugh MacNeil, Building Log Cabins: The Making of the Modern Gay Conservatism

Anne Pinkney, Neoliberal Mobilizations of Human Rights Ideology Under the Alberto Fujimori Regime, 1920-2000

Rushil Shukla, Bankers, Dollars, and Diplomats: J.P. Morgan & Co. in China, 1909-1922

Courtney Stump"For the Public Good": Women's Political Engagement in Revolutionary-era Boston

Majorie Susman, The Role of the Pope(s) During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I

Class of 2019

Joseph Balaban, "A Carpetbagger and a Scalway": The Rise and Resignation of Amos T. Akerman in the Cabinet of U.S. Grant

Ashley DuPuis, A Great Wrong: The Emergence of and Opposition to the Eugenics Movement and the Compulsory Sterilization Law in Oregon from 1901-1983

Daniel Fishbein, An American Soul: Eldridge Cleaver's Circuitous Question for the Community

Rachel Kesler, New Pioneers: Native American Women at Dartmouth, 1972-1982

Walker Schneider, Criminals and New York: How Organized Crime Modernized the City

Marcus Thompson, The Military History of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630-1638

Class of 2018

Yoojin Chae, The 1967 Russell Tribunal: An Early Examination of Human Rights Advocacy?

Riley Collins, United States NGO Aid to China During World War II

Anmol Ghavri, Quieting Quit India: Political and Press Censorship from Jalianwala Gagh to Indian Independence, 1919-1947

Elle Macapline, The Birmingham Triennial Music Festival

Parker T. Richards, "It was a For Our Republic King": Jacobitel Ideology Through Lyric Voice, 1689-1800

Leigh Steinberg, Busing in Boston: The 1974 Crisis and the Women Who Led the Debate

William Sandlund, Suicide, Romance, and the "Modern" Women: Shenboa Advertising's Use of Gendered Suicide Tropes

Claire Votava, Creation of Legacy and Memory: The Mechanisms of the "Matilda Effect" on Three Women of Science

Class of 2017

Kohar Avakian, "Yankees of the East": The Racial History of Twentieth Century America Through the Eyes of Worcester Armenians and Their Descendants

Emily Burack, We Are Speaking of Jewish Survival": The Emergence of the Jewish Defense League

Maria De Guardiola, Blood has told': The Pursuit for a Eugenical Solution in the Green Mountain State

Caroline Hansen, MICCO's "Great Society"—Community Urban Development in 1960s Washington, D.C.

Pakdee Rojanasopandist, Trustbusting in Occupied Japan: Zaibatsu Dissolution, Economic Deconcentration, and the Japanese Textile Industry

Benjamin Weinstock, Writing History with the Voice: Godric of Finchale's Songs

Class of 2016

Madeline Cooper, A Progressive Tradition: Three Generations of American Jewish Political Radicalism, 1880-1980

Pascal Croak, Christ in Nazi Germany: A Battle for Identity

Nicholas Duva, Mayor Frank Hague and American Democractic Anxieties, 1938

Kelly Emery, Memory of Holy War: World War I and the Crusades

Timothy Harrison, Divided College, Divided Nation: Left, Right, and President Clash at Dartmouth, 1986

Carson Hele, An American Town Inside Japan: The Making of Wasington Heights in Tokyo and the Everyday Life of its Residents, 1946-1962

Lewis Lee,  Olyphant and Co.: An Exception to the ChinaTrade

Roger Lu, The American Aid Responsse to the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923

Myles McMurchy, Black, White, and Red All Over: Media Coverage of the Scottsboro Boys

Christine Mozer, Eccles and Keynes: Forward Thinkers in the Great Depression

Vivien Rendleman, Daughters of Freedom, Daughters of War: Practicing Citizenship in Richmond, Virginia, 1865-1902

Margaret Shields, Leading Ladies: Experiences of Co-Education at Dartmouth College

Class of 2015

William H. Baird, The Evitable Reserve: Overcoming Opposition to Central Banking in America

R. Alexander Becker, Journalism's Innovation Decade: The Impact of the 1890s on American Newspapers in the 20th Century and Beyond

Frances E. Buren, Comparative British Colonial Education Policy in Nigeria and Sudan

Michaela K. Conway, The Indian Health Service and Indian Health: Development and Treatment of Heart Disease in Native Communities since 1955

Blaze L. Joel, One People, One Nation, Two Wars: Nationalism and Memory in Croatia and the Breakup of Yugoslavia

Casey M. Lewis, The Comparative History of Community Development in Public Housing Projects in Chicago and Boston since 1938

Allison N. Puglisi, Bread and Justice: Black- and Chinese American Women Organizing for Welfare and Workers' Rights, 1963-1983

Kevin A. Schorr, Occupation of the Ohio Territory: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Trans-Atlantic Story

Aditya R. Shah, The Transnational Musicological Evolution of Indian Raga Music

Natalie G. Shell, Gallipoli, A Question of Representation: The Role of the War Correspondent in the Creation of the Anzac Legend

Joseph A. A. Tahbaz, The Origins of the LGBT Movement in Cuba, 1959-Present

Emma P. Willems, Teaching History in Soviet Latvia: Latvian SSR Students' Experiences under Stalin and Khrushchev

Class of 2014

John Descalzi, The Oil Crises and U.S.-Japan Economic Relations in the 1970s:  Implications for U.S. Hegemony

Maria Fernandez, Cultural Politics and Marxist Aesthetics in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1965

George Helding, 'Curing the Ills of Democracy': Party Reform and the Emergence of the Modern Democratic Party After the Fall of the Liberal Consensus (1964-1972)

Ellen Nye, 'Crown and Company: Royal Favor and Nascent Corporate Autonomy in the Anglo-Iranian Silk Trade, 1580-1640

Andrew Shanahan, Nation Building and Violence in the Creation of the Northwest Territories

Louis Wheatley, Matriotism: American Motherhood in Protest Against World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War

Diandra Wong, Emerging State, Shifting Identities: The Overseas Chinese, Ngo Dinh Diem, and Citizenship in South Vietnam in the 1950s

Class of 2013

Chidi Anyadike, Political Representations of North African Youth Populations in Late 20th and Early 21st Century France

Bobby Arao, The Education of Interned Japanese Americans, 1942-44: Citizenship and Identity

Jacqueline Donohoe, Gender Perceptions in the Pre-Raphaelite Medieval Revival

Maura Farley, Providing Knowledge as a Common Good: The Emergence of the Public Intellectual in Europe (15-16th Centuries)

John Finkelberg, Innocent, Innocent! Vive la France! Vive l'Armée. The Dreyfus Affair: The Impetus for Ideological Civil War in the Press

Kelsey Heinen, The Conflicts and Controversies Surrounding the Formation of Nicaragua's National Guard

Hannah Kuhar, Challenging the Boundaries of Gender through Medicine: Western Medical Initiatives and the Development of the Indian Female Doctor in Colonial India

Paul Lazarow, The United States and Israeli-Japanese Foreign Relations, 1973-1992: From Boycott to Normalization

Laura McFeely, The Crack "Epidemic":  Media Coverage of Crack Cocaine in the 1980s

Adam Pastrich, Arnold J. Toynbee's Evolving Views on Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict and His Impact on British Foreign Policy

Eliza Relman, Feminist Journalism and the American Women's Movement

Edita Robinson, Gender and "First Wave" Cuban Migration to the United States

Rachel Rosenberg, The Successes and Failures of Aboriginal Reconciliation: A Look at Legal and Social Change from the 1950s Onward

A. Rachel Sands, "Leave the Mother Country, You are no longer welcomed here": British Immigration Policy and Race Politics, 1948-1962

Katherine Taylor, The Invisible Working-Class Woman: Intersections of Class and Gender in the Movement to Repeal the Contagious Diseases Acts

Emily Tomlinson, Examining the Relationship Between the Welfare State and the Individual: State-Funded Sex and Marriage Counseling Clinics in Weimar Germany


Class of 2012

Rachel S. Pallin, Bloody Deeds and Britain's Body Economy: Dissecting the Anatomy Act of 1832

Paul E. Jarvis, Dismemberment and Disenfranchisement in East Africa: The Ogaden Region

Anastassia B. Radeva, Making Public Memory: Truth and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Lucy M. Zuraw, The Lawless Law: Contradictions and Controversies over the 1919 Rowlatt Act in Britain and India

William N. Lehmann, Muslim Identities in Britain: Postwar to Present

James C. Reed, Mythic Redemption: The 'Lost Cause' in the Democratic Party of the Post-Civil War North, 1865-1915

Cody Curran, The Voice of the Party: Vietnamese Communist Radio Broadcasts and the Build-up of the Tet Offensive, 1967-68

Alyssa G. Penick, Remaking a Faith: Baptists in Virginia, 1790-1840

Gregory J. Challener, Black Loyalists, Haitians, and Emancipated Slaves: The Emergence of a Transnational Black Community in the British Bahamas

Peter Sutoris, State-Sponsored Documentary in India, 1948-1970: Themes of Development through the Lens of the Colonial Film Tradition

Jessica A. Drazenovich, Fighting for Space and Recognition: Welfare Rights Activism in Washington, DC, 1966-Present

Caitlin O'Neill, Robert Havighurst, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Re-education of Germany: A Case Study in Cultural Diplomacy

Elizabeth M. Faiella, Acts of Peace: World War II Conscientious Objectors as Medical Research Subjects

Class of 2011

Emily Ulrich, Rauner Codex MS 003183: Marginalia in the Brut at Dartmouth College

Georgiana Smyser, The Making of a Historian: Catherine Macaulay and the Revolution

Sarah Frostenson, Beyond the 1984 Famine in Ethiopia: Addressing Issues of Chronic Food Insecurity

Kevin Mallen, Joan of Arc, Charles VII, and the Crisis of Kingship in Late Medieval France

James Shinn, Imagining Spanish America: U.S. Attitudes, 1800-1850

Ellen McDevitt, Outside the Boundaries of Empire: Everest Expeditions in British Popular Culture, 1920-1954

John Burden, Clerical and Monastic Perceptions of Religious Skepticism (1200-1500)

Daniel Hochman, The Shifting Status of Reserve Currencies during the Interwar Period

Matthew Forman, Science and Skill: Artisans, Natural Philosophers, and their Knowledge in Restoration London

Charles Quincy, Marketing of US Bonds during WWII

Maya Granit, Out of Invisible: The Kensington Welfare Rights Union and Homeless Antipoverty Activism at the turn of the 20th Century

Henry Yan, Furnace and Kiln: The Retreat of Iron and the Advance of Porcelain in Late Ming China

Kimberly Waters, The Media's Role in the Destruction of Black Wall Street

David Mainiero, Iran: One Nation, Competing Nationalisms

Hillary Mimnaugh, Strawberry Fields Forever? A Case Study of the Japanese American Community in Florin, California, 1895-1995

Lauren Bowman, Democratizing the Boston School System: An Assertion of Black Personhood and a Quest for Citizenship 1954-1972

Zachary Lim, The Creation of Sima Quian's China: Imperial China Conceived by a Historian

Rebecca Wall, Chieftancy and Political Legitimacy in the Accra Daily Graphic, 1952-1966

Nadine Moezinia, Wicked Plots, and Perfidious Practices": Did the Armada's Defeat Matter" Anglo-Spanish Relations during the Reign of James I

Taja Braggs, The Legacy of Post-World War II Racial Violence and London's Black British

Class of 2010

Marcus Gadson, Reagan vs FDR and LBJ: Inside the Gipper's War on Welfare

Nathaniel Obler, Modernity's Jews: Benedict Spinoza in Maimon, Hess, and Freud

Christine Tian, Thatcherism and Health Care Reform in the United Kingdom, 1979-1991

Cynthia Kahlenberg, Same Goal, Different Game Plan: How the UK and the American Health Care Systems Responded to the Outbreak of AIDS in New York and London, 1981-1996

Uma Mullapudi, Thirty Years Later: Delayed Justice and the Cambodian War Tribunal

Julia Cheng, Constructing an Alliance: Islam and Catholicism at the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development

Connie Lam, Russell & Company: The Lost Voice in Early Sino-American Diplomacy

Allyson Bennett, London Newspapers and the French Revolution: Partisan Politics and the British Press

Lucy Pollard, Johny Cakes and Cider Mugs: History, Memory and the Culture of Food over New England's Long Nineteenth Century

Class of 2009

Caitlin Angelette, Were Medieval French Kings Figureheads of Effective Leaders?: A Case Study of Philip II Auguystus and John n II the Good

Nicholas Binder, Analysis of the Connections and Similarities between the Foreign Affairs Policies of the Reagan and Bush Administrations

Whitney Buckholz, Health and Hygiene Education in Nineteenth Century France

Bryan Chong, Eyeing the Dragon: American Views of Chinese Military Power, 1969-1979

Arik Clausner, An Examination of the Background and Roles of Student Members of the British Union of Fascists

Sharon Dauson, Migration of British Women to the Colonies

Sarah Galligan, British Clothing in Colonial India, 1857-1914

Marina Galkinas, Examination of the Record of U.S.-Peruvian Relations Surrounding Cocaine, 1920 to WWII

Eric Lairitsen, The Untold Story of New Hampshire and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Andrew Lebivich, Marianne and the OAS: Identity and French Nationalist Terrorism in the Algerian War, 1961-1962

Yangyang Liu, Explanation of the Failure of the Construction of Nuclear Stategy as a Field of Scientific Expertise as Envisioned by Bernard Brodie, Albert Wohlstetter, Herman Kahn, and Thomas Schelling

Justine Modica, The Krewe of Zulu and Mardi Gras Indians

Devin O'Connor, The Impact of the South African War on Irish Nationalism, 1899-1902

Hannah Perham, Visualizing Morality: The Image of Good and Evil in the Middle Ages

Jordan Rose, Voices Crying Out in the Wilderness: Revolutionary War Veteran Officers and Frontier Federalism in Postwar Ohio, 1775-1803

Joseph Wood, Civil Rights Movement in Danville, Virginia

Class of 2008

Nova Robinson, Rapprochement, Research and Reflections: Ruth Frances Woodsmall's Work with Middle Eastern Women

Hiba Siddiqui, Nur Jahan: The Evolution of a Legacy

Neal Sarkar, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy: The spokesman of the Bengali Masses

Michael Lynch, Young Ireland/Young America: The Politics of Nationalism in a Transatlantic Context

Maxwell Bryer, David Ben Gurion and the Struggle to Control Zionist Extremism

Ethan Mefford, The Contemporary Implications of the Political Tradition of the Shi'i Ulama

Daniel Belkin, Whitehall vs. Wilhelm: Britain's Groundbreaking Indictment of the Kaiser for War Crimes

Jean Ellen Cowgill, Lost and Found: The Creation and Critical Reception of Civilization in the United States

Emily Winkler, Resolving Rome: Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Creation of Britain's Identity

Elizabeth Mendoza, The 'Mexicanization' of the Yakima Valley: 1940-2007

Lisa Ding, Nominating Justice Harry A. Blackmun: Politics and the Vetting Process During the Nixon Administration

Claire Dunning, Politicizing Motherhood: How Poor Mothers in Boston Found Common Ground in Their Fight for Justice

Alexander Cushman, Health Care Politics: An Evaluation of Lyndon Baines Johnson's Role in the Passage of the Landmark 1965 Medicare Bill


Class of 2007

Lydia Yu, Anti-Chinese Discrimination in California, 1850-1900

Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego, At Freedom's Gate:  Jonathan Clarkson Gibbs and the Story of Reconstruction Florida

Ashley Graham, Jewish Unity or Jewish Schism: German and Eastern European Jews in New York City

Danielle Strollo, Italian Anarchism in the United States and the Development of an Italian-American Radical Identity

David Faherty, The Fourth Rome: Myth and Power in Mussolini's Eternal City

Omar Foda, Mehmed Aly or Muhammad Ali?: Nationalist Credentials of the Founder of Modern Egypt

Peter Kenseth, The Politics of Injustice: The J. P. Stevens Campaign and It Impact on Labor Law Reform in the United States

Christine Huggins, Printed Page and Spoken Words: Print, Orality, and Book Culture in Marietta, Ohio, 1864-2000

Jeremy Schneider, Discourses in Capitalism: Ovaltine Advertisements in the British Empire During the Interwar Period

Alexandra Lee, The Drive-In Phenomenon: Changes in Restaurants, Theaters, and Churches in Suburban America

Aaron Levy, In the Name of the Public Good: The Debate over Westward Commercial Development in Mid-Nineteenth Century America

Elizabeth Terry, I came, I saw, and God has granted us the Victory': The Worldview of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1500-1558)

John Muller, Nature, Nurture and Circumstance:  The Success of 'Sterilization for Human Betterment' in California, 1909-1942"


Class of 2006

Nikhil V. Gore, Creating the 'Global City': Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore's Foreign Policy from 1965-75

Stephen J. Macekura, Modernization in the Cold War: A Study of United States Policy towards Guatemala, 1944-1954

Amit Padukone, The Role of Art as Diplomacy in Mughal-Jesuit Relations

Peter C. Hughes, The Origins and Evolution of the Wehrkunde Conference:  NATO In Perspective, 1963-1969

Chelsea M. Carroll, Crazed Women, Steadfast Saints, and the Women Marching Behind: Media Reflections and Self-Perceptions of Militant Suffragists in Great Britain and the United States

Miriam L. Glaser, The Early Elizabethan Succession Question, 1558-1568: A Bipolar System

Claudia Rueda, The Catholic Church and Women's Activism in Chiapas, Mexico during the 80s and 90s

Carolyn W. Lee, Storyville, New Orleans: Female Sexuality and Power in a Legal Vice District, 1898-1917

Jason S. Hartwig, Native American Confederacy Building in the Upper Ohio Valley, 1770-1785

Jonathan Hancock, Theology, Race, and Change: American Moravian Missions among Native and African Americans, 1770-1840

Vivek Tata, Rhode Island Quakers 1771-1781

Laurel E. Clark, The Impact of Sectarianism on Catholic Women's Activism in Northern Ireland, 1968-1980

Katherine S. Farr, Marriage and Unionization in North Carolina Textile Mills

Sarah A. Givner, Secular Yiddish Culture and Jewish Identity in America: A Study of New York-based Yiddish Schools and Summer Camps, 1920-1970

Lindsay C. Hare, Chicago's Trumbull Park Homes, 1937-1950

Rachel H. Zeile, The Republic of New Africa and Black Separatism in Detroit


Class of 2005

Jesse Roisin, Belgium in 1621: A State on the Threshold of Nationhood

Jesse Klempner, Promised Land?: Ideological Justifications for Land Claims in the American West 1851-1887 and in Israel 1948-1973

Julia Saraidaridis, Conserving Womanhood: The Antisuffrage Movement in Britain and the United States

Mark Sweeney, Saving Face: Christy Mathewson and Baseball's Search for Respectability in the Progressive Era

Elisabeth Page, Gertrude Bell's Influence in the Formation of Iraq

John Bois, Daoud Afghanistan: The Failure to Develop a Cohesive Nation State

Elizabeth Wise, Voices from the South: Challenges and Achievements of Frances E. W. Harper and Anna J. Cooper from the Anti-Slavery Movement to the Woman's Suffrage Movement

Claire Cage, Bitter Struggles in the Belt: The Civil Rights Movement in Shreveport, Louisiana, 1954-1968

Stephanie Jean-Jacques, Unparalled Opportunities: An Examination of Freedmen Educational Experiences in the Seminole and Creek Nations, Indian Territory, 1866-1910

Dana Jupiter, Changing Images and Changing Perceptions: Americans and Japanese from Internment to Occupation

Margaret Thering, American Perceptions and Representations of Geisha, 1854 through the Present

Colleen Harrison, Ellen Wilkinson: The Missing Link of the British Labour Party, 1891-1947

Jesus Gutierrez, José Carlos Mariátegui and the Development of an 'Indigenista' Thesis

Sheila Chithran, The Myth of the Monarch: An Examination of the Cultural Images of Elizabeth Tudor and Mary Stuart

Michael Pipkin, Emeline, A Free Woman of Color v. Jesse P. Bolls: The Law of Freedom and Slavery in Antebellum Texas

Jane Baker, The "King and Country" Debate as Flashpoint of British Interwar Student Politics

Ariana Alexander, The Secrets of the White Picket Fence: Racial Hierarchy Revealed in the 1952 Housing Cases of Sing Sheng and Wilbur Gary

Joe Rago, New-Englandisms and Fanaticisms in Proper Boston

Class of 2004

Chien Wen Kung, A Legend in the Making: Prester John and Medieval Politics, 1145-1330

Julian T. Saltman, The British Secret War Propaganda Bureau at Wellington House, 1914-1917

John W. Eichlin, The British Royal Navy and Poor Relief, 1790-1834

Jenny F. Sharfstein, Regulating Recreation: Organized Play in New York, 1890-1920

Elisheva M. Hirshman-Green, "Other" in a Community of 'Others': The Jews of District Six, Cape Town

Bartow J. Elmore, Disciplining Anti-slavery Expression in Georgia

David A. Atterbury, The Failure of Popular Sovereignty in the Kansas Territory

Samuel I. Stein, Ze'ez Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism, and Its Emergence in the Israeli Political Landscape after the Six-Day War

Ryan M. Bennett, Religion, Culture and Construction of the Royal Image in Stuart England, 1623-1682

Julie A. Morganstern, Raising Hell: The Lives and Careers of Johnnie Tillmon and Beulah Sanders

Imran Sharih, Roots of Revolution: The Origins and Triumph of Khomeinism in Pahlavi Iran

Amanda L. Behm, Through Imperial Eyes: Race and British Reactions to the American Slavery Question, 1857-1865

Aruna M. Kamath, NAMDA: 1982-1990, Mobilizing the Health Care Sector in the Fight Against Apartheid

Katharine M. Walters, Exhibiting the Coal Mining Culture of Northeastern Pennsylvania

Amanda E. Ameer, "Sing Me a Song With Social Significance": The Emergence of Social Commentary Musicals during the Great Depression

Alison E. Schmauch, The Status and Power of Women at the Court of Louis XIV

Class of 2003

Robert Karl, Under the Banner of Progress: U.S. Counter-Insurgency Policy in Latin America, 1961-66

Leah Wright, Historical Creation of a Black Elite

Matthew Pressman, An Uphill Battle: Pierre Mendès France and the Failure of the Fourth Republic

Ariel Rubin, The Land of Cockaigne Meets the New World: Dutch Exploration and its Impact on Dutch Culture

Jonathan Schlesinger, The Panthay Rebellion and the Acceleration of British Imperialism in Burma, 1867-1886

Class of 2002

Allen Fromherz, Ibn Khaldun: The Tribe and the City in Islamic History

Janet Saint Germain, Oliver Cromwell's Campaign for Scotland in 1650

Dana Polanichka, Constructing the Virgin Martyr: Sex, Gender, and Religion in the Early Latin Lives of Saints Agnes, Cecilia, Agatha and Lucy

Michael Philpy, US Foreign Policy and the Implementation of the Nixon Doctrine in the Persian Gulf States, 1968-1973

Neil Danberg, The Development of Strategic Bombing Doctrine Between the Wars

William Meyer, The Amistad Affair and the Shaping of American Diplomacy

Jonathan Cohen, Officer Assassination in the US Army during the Vietnam War

John Partridge, Reflections on the Civil War in Ambrose Bierce's Spanish-American War Journalism

Lauren Weissmann, Women's Entrance and Presence in Medicine with a Focus on the Dartmouth Medical Community

Victoria McGrane, The Politics of Irish-American Womanhood, 1880-1930

Karen Tani, Asian Americans for Equality: A Case Study in Asian American Community Development Corporations

Matthew Frankel, The Stronghold: Rhode Island and the Democratic Party, 1964-1992

Spencer Jones, The Reemergence of State Shinto in Postwar Japan

Kelly Burns, The Political and Foreign Policy Implications of the US Recognition of the Belgian Congo in 1884

Christina Weiland, Leftist Radicalism in New Hampshire, 1910-1960

Class of 2001

Elizabeth Casteen, Deconstructing Rosie: Visions of Women in World War II Era Films

Robin Levine, The Emergence of Jewish Student Life at Dartmouth post-WWII

Diana Vernazza, Who Killed the Child Development Group of Mississippi?  The Local Politics of the War on Poverty

Jennifer Tlumak, Grassroots Institutionalized: The Changing Nature of the American Environmental Justice Movement

David Cahill, The Ford Motor Company in Germany: 1933-1945

John Lutz, The Integration of German Auxiliary Troops into Post-Revolutionary War American Society

Courtney Henning, A Century of Making Franklin

David Mulliken, The Citadel and the Fortress:  The Battle of Kursk and the Invasion of Normandy

Will Walker, Justice and the Damned:  The Suppression of the IWW, 1917-1919

Meeta Agrawal, The Imperial Rani:  Lakshmibai Through the Eyes of the British

Erin Dromgoole, Sirens and Sweethearts:  Cultural Iconography of American Women in the Jazz Age