2024 Honors Theses
Jessica Chiriboga, Mexicans during the San Gabriel Mountains' 'Great Hiking Era' (1880-1938) (advisor: Orleck)
Kaya Çolakoğlu, Time, Structure, and the State in the Turkish Years of Lead (1950-1980) (advisor: Nikpour)*
William Spencer Dougan, Tongues as of Fire: Sermons, Radicalism, and Ideology in the Interregnum Empire (advisor: Musselwhite)*
Clare Downey, Borders of Identity: The Construction and Deployment of Definitions of Queerness in U.S. Immigration Law Since 1952 (advisor: Orleck)*
Jason Acosta Espinosa, "Hermanas en Armas!" The Women of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, 1979-1992 (advisor: Voekel)
Sebastian Fernandez, "Hear this, oh slovenly man": Masculine Self-Fashioning in Victorian Britain, 1820–1914 (advisor: Estabrook)*
Lilian Hemmins, "There is No Mississippi, There Is Only America": Late Twentieth-Century Federal Policy in the Maintenance of Racial Inequality in the Mississippi Delta (advisor: Moreton)
Marcos Jimenez, "Young, in Love, and Angry": Gay Activism During the AIDS Crisis in the US and UK (advisor: Orleck)
Blake Rouzie, The British Conservative Party in the Age of Mass Politics, 1880-1914 (advisor: Estabrook)
Sara Pickrell, The Wives that Bind: 13th Century Political Marriages In and Around the Levant (advisor: MacEvitt)
*Received High Honors