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Refer to the Class of 2024 and Beyond History Minor Worksheet for the successful completion of at least seven history courses meeting the requirements.
For the purposes of the minor requirements applicable to the class of 2024 and later, most courses fall into one of six areas: (1) Africa (AFR), (2) Asia, (3) Europe (4) Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), (5) Middle East (ME), (6) United States (US). Your seven history courses must include one course from at least three of the six areas.
Your seven history courses must include, at a minimum, two premodern courses and two modern courses.
All minors must complete one course involving advanced historical practice which will represent the culminating experience. Students meet this requirement by enrolling in HIST 96, a small course (normally capped at 12) that allows students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature.
Refer to the Class of 2023 and Before History Minor Worksheet for the successful completion of at least seven history courses meeting the requirements.
For the purposes of the minor requirements applicable to the class of 2023 and earlier, most courses fall into one of four areas: (1) United States (designated US in the course listings); (2) Europe (designated EUR in the course listings); (3) Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (designated AALAC in the course listings); or (4) Interregional and Comparative (designated INTER in the course listings below).
Your seven history courses must contain at least one course from each of the following areas:
a. United States (US)
b. Europe (EUR)
c. Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean (AALAC)
d. Interregional (INTER)
Your seven courses must contain at least two pre-1800 courses. In the course listings, courses fulfilling the pre-1800 requirement are designated <1800.
All Minors must complete one course involving advanced historical practice which will represent the culminating experience. Students meet this requirement by enrolling in HIST 96, a small course (normally capped at 12) that allows students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature.
All Minors are encouraged to identify an area of concentration within the broad field of History. Establishing a critical mass of classes each related to a geographic, chronological or thematic concentration will enhance a student's ability to develop expertise and make connections. One of these must be a culminating experience in the form of a HIST 96.