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Forthcoming. "Witnessing and Poetic Receptions of the Experience of War: Homer, Doug Anderson, and Jehanne Dubrow," In Just Classics. Edited by E. Perry and D. Machado, University of Michigan Press.
2024. "Gender, Class, and Slavery in Plautus' Rudens in 1884 St. Louis," CJ 119: 413-438.
2023. "Seeing Fotis: Slavery and Gender in Apuleius' Metamorphoses," CA 42: 195–228.
2019. with Dominic Machado, "Progress and Precarity: 150 Years of TAPA," TAPA 149
Supplement: 39-60.
2019. "Seeing Caesar's Symbols: Religious Implements on the Coins of Julius Caesar and His
Successors," in Concordia Disciplinarum: Essays on Coinage, Ancient History, and Archaeology in Honor of William E. Metcalf. Edited by N. Elkins and J. DeRose Evans (American Numismatic Society publications) 107-119.
2015. "Ancient Narratives and Modern War Stories: Reading Homer with Combat Veterans," Amphora 12.1: 1-3, 20-21.
2014. "The Slave as Roman Outsider," in D. Hammer, ed. Blackwell Companion to Ancient and Modern Democracies and Republics: A Comparative Approach (Wiley-Blackwell) 405-428.