Dartmouth Events

Historians Respond to “Divisive Concepts” Legislation: Panel Discussion

“Divisive Concepts” Legislation: What We Can’t Talk About When History Is Silenced, a panel discussion with Professors Robert Bonner, Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, and Julia Rabig.

7 pm – 8 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Over the past year, states including New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Texas have passed legislation that targets critical race theory and bans the teaching of so-called “divisive concepts.” It’s on the agenda in other states, while activists across the U.S. try to pass similar policies through local school boards. Join history faculty Bob Bonner, Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, and Julia Rabig to discuss the roots of these attacks and their implications for historical inquiry and anti-racism. Faculty will speak briefly followed by Q&A.

To join the discussion: https://dartgo.org/whenhistoryissilenced

For more information, contact:
Bruch Lehmann

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.