Dartmouth Events

The Long Reckoning

Writer and journalist George Black will present a lecture based on his new book, "The Long Reckoning," a story of war, peace and redemption in Vietnam.

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Room 003, Rockefeller Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Lectures & Seminars

The moving story of how a small group of people—including two Vietnam veterans—forced the U.S. government to take responsibility for the ongoing horrors—agent orange and unexploded munitions—inflicted on the Vietnamese.

Following his presentation, Mr. Black will join in a conversation with Professor of History Ed Miller and Susan Hammond, Executive Director and Founder of the War Legacies Project. A book signing, hosted by the Norwich Bookstore, will follow the event.

The event will be livestreamed, click here to register. 

Sponsored by the Department of History, the Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program, and the Initiative for Global Security at the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding. 

For more information, contact:
Dickey Events

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.