Dartmouth Events

Lecture on the "Social Question in the 19th century," Pamela Nogales (UChicago)

The Department of History welcomes Pamela Nogales (University of Chicago), to give a lecture on the "Social Question in the 19th Century"

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Carson Hall L01
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Join the Department of History for a lecture by Pamela Nogales, Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Chicago, on the "Social Question in the 19th Century."

Transatlantic social democrats were a diverse group of reformers in the 19th century, who broke with Republican solutions to the “social problem”— the declining condition of laborers and the emergence of systemic unemployment. Pamela Nogales offers a trans-Atlantic intellectual history of American political society in the long nineteenth century — as American democratic reformers demanded new rights for laboring citizens, including: The “right to land,” the “right to the fruits of [their] labor,”  the “right to free time,” and the “right to work.”

Nogales is a historian of political thought, trans-Atlantic intellectual history, and American society in the long nineteenth century. Her research centers on three key issues that defined political life in nineteenth-century America: The transformation of the liberal tradition after the advent of mass democracy, the mass immigration of European exiles into American civil-society associations, and the social crisis of labor and property after the Civil War.


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